HPCi Media Limited Terms & Conditions

General terms 1-6 apply to all products and usage. Terms 7-10 are specific to the products which you have purchased or use.

  1. You and HPCi Media Limited
  2. Your contact details
  3. Paperless ordering & invoicing
  4. Payment of Invoices
  5. Intellectual Property
  6. Disclaimers, Liability and Governing law
  7. Subscriptions to our products
  8. Delegates
  9. Advertising in our products
  10. Use of web sites and digital products

1. You and HPCi Media Limited
We are HPCi Media Limited and we supply information on business markets to business customers. If you purchase or use our products, information or services you are our customer. These terms set out the business relationship between us and apply to you whether you are a direct customer or agent of a customer. All customers are subject to the general business terms specified in clauses 1-6 as well as any terms relevant to your purchase or use of specific types of product.

Any Agent placing an order on behalf of a customer shall be deemed bound by these terms and conditions and jointly and severally liable in respect of all matters including payment of charges.

2. Your contact details
To provide the best possible service to you we require you to provide business contact details. This includes your name, your job title, your company’s name and address, your business email address, and if you are ordering a print product you may also provide a separate delivery address. Your business email address is absolutely essential as this is how we will send you information about your order, including order confirmations, invoices and a remittance advice to confirm payment. How your details are held and used and also how we may contact you are outlined in our privacy policy.

3. Ordering and Invoicing
We carry out our communications for orders and invoices by email. Once you have requested an invoice for a product either by confirming a proposal from us the order is regarded as firm and cannot be cancelled. An email instruction from you will be deemed to have the same value and legal implication as a signed written instruction. This allows us to be efficient, environmentally responsible and timely. When the invoice is issued you should pay within the terms and as soon as we see you have paid we will issue a remittance advice. It is very important you keep us informed of any change in your contact details. We will not normally send extra paper copies of any of these documents and any request to do so will incur an administration surcharge.

4. Payment of Invoices
Invoices are payable in full within 30 days of the invoice date unless we have specifically agreed otherwise in writing in advance. We prefer electronic payment directly into the correct account. Your invoice will be in one of three currencies: Euro for businesses in mainland Europe and Scandinavia; US dollar for businesses in North America, South America, Asia and Australasia; or for UK businesses pounds sterling. Our bank account details are as follows. Please ALWAYS reference our invoice number on all payments.

Lloyds Bank plc 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN.





IMPORTANT – Effective 1st October 2022 HPCi Media Ltd has changed banking facilities from Barclays Bank to Lloyds Bank, please ensure your records are updated. If you require verification please contact accounts@hpcimedia.com with details of your request.

Cheques should be made out to HPCi Media Ltd and sent to HPCi Media, Studio 227, Metal Box Factory, 30 Great Guildford St, London SE1 0HS, United Kingdom.

Credit card payments can be arranged through accounts@hpcimedia.com.

We wish to maintain excellent relations with all our customers however failure to pay in accordance with our terms causes us significant problems and expense in chasing late payers. For late payers we will take action to enforce full payment of the invoice, and without prejudice any other rights, to terminate the contract with you in respect of any future supplies and to compensation for debt recovery costs. We may refuse to accept any further orders if outstanding amounts are overdue. If you have a problem with any product or service please contact us immediately and we will try and resolve the issue.

Additional HPCi – Grossing up clause
All sums payable, as per your invoice, shall be paid legally free and clear of all deductions and withholdings but if a deduction or withholding is legally required to be made the customer shall pay HPCi the sum which after such deduction or withholding results in a net payment to HPCi equal to the amount due under the invoice.

If any sum payable under your invoice is subject to Tax in the hands of you, as the payee, then you shall pay to HPCi such additional sum as will after such Tax leave HPCi with the same sum as HPCi would have received in the absence of such Tax.

5. Intellectual Property
All copyright, trade marks, design rights, patents and other intellectual property rights to all content in and on any of our products including, magazines, reports, events and web sites shall remain vested in us at all times. Your use of our products does not transfer any intellectual property rights to you. You may not copy, reproduce, republish, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, download, broadcast, transmit, make available to any third party, or otherwise use any of our products or content in any way except for your own personal use and your personal use in business. You also agree not to adapt, alter or create a derivative work from any of our content except for your own personal use. Any other use of our content requires a commercial license or written permission from us.

The names, images and logos identifying us or third parties and their products and services are subject to copyright, design rights and trade marks of us and/or third parties. Nothing contained in these terms shall be construed as conferring any licence or right to use any trade mark, design right or copyright of us or any other third party.

6. Disclaimers, Liability and Governing law
Our products, including the design, appearance, physical make up, all content, names, images, pictures, logos and icons , are provided “AS IS” and on an “AS AVAILABLE” basis. We have produced them with reasonable care, skill and professionalism and it is our intention that the content provided by us is correct at the time of delivery or publication and complies with the laws of England. However no responsibility is accepted for any errors, omissions or inaccurate content in any product. Nor do we warrant that our products or information are of satisfactory quality, fit for a particular purpose, complete, up-to-date or that that they are infringement free.

We shall not be liable for any of the following losses or damage (whether such damage or losses were foreseen, foreseeable, known or otherwise): (a) loss of data; (b) loss of revenue or anticipated profits; (c) loss of business; (d) loss of opportunity; (e) loss of goodwill or injury to reputation; (f) losses suffered by third parties; or (g) any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of the our product and information regardless of the form of action.

In all cases the total liability of HPCi Media Ltd in failing to fulfill an order, or for defects in the publications or services supplied to you will be a maximum of the value of that order as specified on the invoice to you.

These terms and conditions and all other express terms and conditions of sale shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England. Any waiver by us of any of these terms and conditions shall be limited to the particular instance and shall not operate or be deemed to operate as a future waiver of that or any other term.

7.  Subscriptions for print and web publications
Subscriptions shall mean all products whether print or digital delivered for the subscribers benefit. In the case of eNews Alerts HPCi will send the user the relevant email newsletter free of charge and in return the subscriber will agree to receive occasional relevant communications from HPCi or its commercial partners. Subscribers of any of HPCi’s products should read HPCi’s privacy policy for full details on how we keep your data safe and how to easily opt out of receiving one or all of our products.

Paid for subscriptions shall run for the full subscription term and no credit will be given for cancellations during the term. Subscriptions are designed for an individual’s use or single seat as is commonly referred for web based subscriptions except for site licences and corporate subscriptions which are available to discuss this option please contact us on subscriptions@hpcimedia.com.

Print publications may suffer damage during transit or none delivery and if you notify us within 30 days following the publication month we will supply replacement copies. Time of delivery is not of the essence. We have no liability for any loss of trade or profit occurring to the customer as a result of delay in delivery or delivery of incorrect or faulty goods. Delivery will be made to the business address of the customer or its agent or to a carrier designated by the customer.

Web based publications may not be available for short periods of time either due to scheduled maintenance (where we will endeavour to provide reasonable notice) or because of unforeseen problems such as network failures occur across the internet; we have no liability for any loss of trade or profit occurring to you as a result of service disruption and if the service is unavailable for more than 24 hours we will extend your subscription period to compensate you. There will be no cash or other alternative remedy for service disruption.

8. Attendance at events
Places at events are sold on a firm sales basis and payment will be due on receipt of our invoice. Our planning requirements mean we only accept firm orders and your inability to attend will not be reason for cancellation of your order although you may transfer your place to a colleague providing you notify us by email to info@hpcimedia.com.

If the event is cancelled you may claim a refund for your event ticket. If an event is postponed, or the location changed for any reason, we will contact you to discuss how the change affects you. However, we have no liability for any loss of trade or profit occurring to the customer as a result of a change or cancellation.

9. Advertising, Sponsorship and Exhibitor services
Your advertisement or promotional material (“Content”) needs to be supplied in a format suitable for our production needs. You are responsible for checking the accuracy of your advert prior to sending us the material.

You warrant that your order does not contain offensive Content nor that it infringes any laws or advertising codes or standards of decency worldwide and that you have all permissions and authorities necessary to use and publish all content. You further agree to indemnify us in respect of all proceedings and any claims, damages, liability, losses, costs (including legal costs) and any monies paid in settlement incurred by us arising as a result of the publication or display of your Content in any jurisdiction. It is your responsibility to ensure compliance although we may amend your content on reasonable grounds. Should this be due to the act or default by you, your agent or employees then the order shall be paid for in full (without deduction) notwithstanding that the order has not been fulfilled. Where we consider it necessary to modify your order we will use reasonable endeavours to notify you in advance of publication.

Your Content will be published in accordance with the order using reasonable care and skill. We will make reasonable endeavours to ensure that the publication is made available in accordance with our advertised publishing schedule. No other warranties of any kind are given by us. Unless we agree in writing we shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of any total or partial failure of publication, distribution or availability of the publication in which your Content is scheduled to be included. In any event the maximum remedy for any dispute shall be the value of the order.

If one of our events is postponed due to circumstances we cannot control we will endeavour to run the event within 12 months at the same or a similar location. Your order for promotional opportunities including sponsorship and exhibitor services will automatically be transferred and delivered with the same effect as the original order. If we cannot run the event within 12 months then you have the right to transfer your order to a different type of promotional activity.

Banner advertising is sold based on a set number of impressions. Impressions are only counted if the reader sees the banner advert and not counted if the reader has a ad blocking enabled or does not scroll to a part of the web page where your banner advert is placed. This provides guaranteed exposure.

Orders will be invoiced on publication for printed products and prior to publication for web and event advertising. Payment of your invoice is required within the terms specified on the invoice. If you wish to cancel any order we must receive at least eight weeks notice in writing before the publication deadline unless specified differently on the order. Web adverts are published on a firm non-refundable basis. Advertising and sponsorship at events is also non-refundable. If you cancel orders that are part of a series we will issue a further invoice equal to the discount applied to adverts already published or due for publication within the eight week cancellation period.

The acceptance of your order does not confer the right to renew such order on similar terms. Where we are involved in extra production work on the advertisement owing to acts or default by you or your agent then such additional reasonable costs shall be charged to you. Complaints regarding reproduction of advertisements must be received in writing within one calendar month of the publication date.

You should keep copies of all art work or other material supplied to us. We cannot guarantee the materials supplied will not be damaged or lost during the production process and you agree that the materials may be stored by us for a period of time for the purposes of checking or rerunning your order. However, we agree that retention of any materials does not transfer ownership or any intellectual property rights associated with the materials.

10. Use of our web sites and digital products
You agree to use the web products only for lawful purposes, that comply with all applicable terms and conditions (see particularly clauses 1-7 above) and in a way that does not infringe the rights or restrict its use by anyone else. We do not warrant that functions available on our web products will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that our software or the server that make them available are free of viruses or bugs. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to implement sufficient procedures and virus checks (including anti-virus and other security measures) for the protection of your computer systems.

We publish email news letters and may create communities with discussion forums or similar. In order to receive or participate in these products you may be required to register with us. We are a business to business service and the registration details you supply must relate to your work email, and company address. Any information supplied as part of this registration process will be collected, stored and used in accordance with our privacy policy. We will suspend service to you or delete your account if you have not supplied accurate details for genuine business purposes or if your actions are not in our common interest.

By sharing any original contribution owned by you (including any text, photographs, graphics, video or audio) with us you grant us, free of charge, permission to use the material in any way we want (including modifying and adapting it for operational and editorial reasons). In certain circumstance we may also share your contribution with trusted third parties including publishing partners.

Copyright in your contribution will remain with you and this permission is not exclusive, so you can continue to use the material in any way including allowing others to use it. We may contact you in relation to your contribution and full details of when and how we may contact you are outlined in our privacy policy.

Contacting HPCi Media about these Terms of Use
Simply email info@hpcimedia.com and tell us your comments or concerns.HPCi Media, Studio 227, Metal Box Factory, 30 Great Guildford St, London SE1 0HS