HPCi Media Pure Beauty
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Pure Beauty

The debut issue of the Pure Beauty Trend Edit is out now! Download your copy today....

By 2027, the global beauty industry is expected to reach US$580bn (McKinsey). Driven by rapid innovation and viral moments, the pursuit of quick-fire trends can often distract from the larger movements at play. Enter: the debut Pure Beauty Trend Edit.

In our first edition, Pure Beauty's award-winning journalists have selected the biggest evidence-driven trends of 2023 that will have a lasting impact. Supported by expert insight, the team have also forecasted some of the trends they expect to take off in 2024.

Download the debut Pure Beauty Trend Edit for free to learn about the movements and brands influencing consumer behaviour in 2023 and beyond.

The debut edition of the Pure Beauty Trend Edit contains expert insight from our own Pure Beauty team and the following companies:

  • DTS (Dispenser Technology Systems)

We have a very limited number of print copies of the debut Pure Beauty Trend Edit available - email subscriptions@hpcimedia.com today for details.

Follow the steps below to download your copy...

  • Enter your email and click "Continue" to see if your details are on our system.
  • Fill in your contact details if we do not have them.
  • Confirm it's really you by receiving our verification email.
  • Download your copy of the PB Trend Edit.

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